Online Registration
- Parents can register their clubbers at home.
- A registration kiosk mode is also available to allow for electronic registration at church.
Any club, anywhere
- Access the system anytime, anywhere.
- Use most any computer with an internet connection or mobile phone with a web browser.
- Although this software was originally designed to support an AWANA club, it is completely configurable.
- Club names, team names, book names, book sections and awards earned are all editable.
- Multiple club 'types' at your church? We can support them all - simultaneously!
- Keeps track of clubber:
- Attendance
- Brings book
- Wears uniform
- Brings Bible
- Goes to sunday school or church
- Brings visitors
- Participates in special nights
- Pays dues (supports both dues paid weekly and yearly)
- Book sections
- Awards earned
- Bucks earned (number of bucks earned is configurable per club and item)
- The system automatically records a user defined number of shares for items on the clubber check-in screen (Present, Workbook etc), but we also support entering extra bucks
- Points earned (individual and team points earned)
- User defined number of points are automatically added to a clubber record
- Points can also be added per 'team', which are automatically posted to clubber records for each clubber that is present
- Individual points are also supported
Email and Telephone technical support
- Have a question? Send us an email, or give us a call. Telephone technical support is included in your subscription!
- We're available to answer your calls Monday - Friday 9am - 5pm CST
- Tech support phone number is given out at time of purchase
- Callbacks may be scheduled for a more convenient time (including Saturday)
Secure transmission of all data through SSL
- All data transmitted to and from the website is encrypted using SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) technology.
Automatic backups
- Your database is backed up automatically. You never need to worry about losing it from a hard drive crash.
Windows, iOS and Linux - We support them all
- Since the software is all web based, you can access it with any modern web browser.
Mobile device friendly
- The functions you use on a weekly basis are designed with your mobile device in mind. The system automatically determines the device type and adjusts the screen accordingly. You can also easily switch back and forth between desktop and mobile screens.
- Both desktop and mobile screens are provided for the following:
- Clubber Check-In
- Book Sections
- Team or individual points earned
- Game time score-keeper
- Awards Listing
- Recording of shares spent (store night) or extra bucks earned
- Clubber Check-Out (optional)
- Easy to read text on devices with small screens.
- Mobile users also have quick access to parent phone numbers in case of an emergency.
Direct to web page after login
- By default, all user accounts will display the main menu after a user logs in. However, you may have some leaders who only need to access a couple of menu items. These accounts can be set up to jump directly to the check-in or book sections function and skip the menu entirely when logging in.
Unlimited number of clubs, teams, clubbers and contacts
- Well, in all honesty it's not 'unlimited'. The database system will only hold around a billion records, but you get the idea.
- Since the clubs and team names are all configurable, you can enter as many as you need.
- Are some or all of your clubs separated by gender? We can handle that also.
- View line charts with attendance data for all your clubbers and leaders.
- Each club is assigned their own line 'color' with corresponding legend entry.
- View only the clubs you want to on the graph at any given time.
- Leaders are charted on their own graph.
One-click printing of leader badges
- Easily print leader badges with the click of a menu item.
- Optionally print images above the leader name. Each individual club can use their own clipart.
Assign access levels to club leaders based on their duty
- A variety of access levels are available to meet your needs.
- Access is assigned at the club level, team level and by a numeric value.
- The lower the value, the more restrictive (read only). Higher values activate additional access.
Parent logins supported
- Parents can create their own account and will then have the ability to:
- View and print the club calendar.
- See clubber attendance history as well as bucks & points earned each night.
- Print yearly clubber achievement records.
- Update the family address, phone number, email, emergency contacts and more.
- Register their clubbers.
Online registration of clubbers
- Take the burden out of club registration night by giving parents the opportunity to register online in advance of your club start date.
- Fields that parents can change are limited to personal information.
- Need parents to sign a liability waiver? No problem - you can easily add text that will print on the registration summary page. One consent form for all clubbers in a family. Parents will love the new simplicity.
- Electronic signatures are also supported for consent forms - go paperless! (You and your parents can always print a hard-copy of the registration and signed consent form).
- The registration screen also allows them to add additional contact information, add new clubbers from the same family who had not attended club previously, and update personal information such as address, phone number, email address, emergency contacts and more.
- Parents only have access to the child and contact records linked to their family account.
- Parent registration is optional and can be turned on/off as needed.
- Pages that are displayed for parents contain help buttons:
- Parents can print out a summary page for your club office, as well as a clubber page that can be taken to club.
- Optionally link to your church giving site to allow parents to pay club charges.
- Run your derby car race directly within the system.
- Select individual or multiple clubs to run in a given race.
- An 'adult' club is also included if needed.
- Is your track color coded? Assign each lane its own color (or just leave it white).
- Next-up racers are automatically displayed to keep the race moving along.
- Too bright in your gym for a projector? A 40" flatscreen can be read from quite a distance when you zoom in with your browser to enlarge the fonts.
- Derby car sound effects
- No need to add dozens or hundreds of email addresses to your contact list. Sending email is built in!
- Use filters to select which clubs, teams or individuals get your message.
- Send to parents of clubbers, leaders or both at the same time.
- Duplicate emails (i.e. for parents with more than one clubber) are filtered out before sending.
- Assign your own 'reply-to' address.
- Each contact gets their own 'unique' copy. No CC's will appear in the email.
- Preview who will get a copy of your message before you click 'Send'. You'll get a preview copy in your own inbox.
- View or print a report showing the clubber, parent, email address and messages status.
- Save 'welcome' emails so you can easily send them to new clubbers when they visit.
- Include optional inline graphics in your message.
- Personalize your message with database fields such as:
- Clubber Name
- Parent Name
- Club Name
- Team Name
- Grade
- Birthday
- ... and more
Integrated visitor database
- Easily keep track of visitors who come to your club without having to add them to the main clubber database.
- Visitors can also be checked-in as present and will be included in the weekly clubber totals.
- When they do join, you can easily move them from the visitor database to the clubber database with just one click - and maintain all of their attendance history in the process.
Keep track of community service hours for your student leaders
- Most counties require students in 9th-12th grade to earn community service hours to graduate.
- Simply enter how many hours each of your student leaders averages each week, and then at the end of the club year, click to print.
- Hours worked do not have to be the same for each student.
- A letter that you can customize will be generated for each student that shows the date they worked, hours worked each week and total service hours for the year.
- Customize your quarter start/end dates.
- Make notes of any special days or leader meetings you may have.
- Print your calendar to use as a hand-out.
Lesson Planner
- Each club has their own lesson planner that works with the club calendar.
- Lessons are maintained from year to year so even if club leadership changes, you'll know what lessons were already given.
Inventory ordering made easy
- Simply a list of items that are consumed in club and the ability to request a quantity of that item.
- Full inventory systems with quantity on hand, quantity on order takes more time of a leader, not less.
- This design makes requesting inventory extremely easy.
Sort and Search by any field
Print a variety of reports
Software designed by leaders, for leaders
- Our goal is to provide software that does everything you need it to do in the most user friendly way possible.